CESD Layihəsinin Veb səhifəsi

Məktəbəqədər və ibtidai məktəb xidmətlərinin səmərəliliyi üçün məktəb büdcəsinin tərtib edilməsində və xərcləmədə vətəndaşların kənd və şəhər cəlbinin sınaqdan keçirilməsi


Səhifənin Sol Sütunu

Bu, sol yan panel sütunu olan səhifəni nümayiş etdirmək üçün defolt məzmundur. İlk vidcetinizi bu mövqeyə dərc etdikdən sonra bu nümunə məzmun vidcetinizlə əvəz olunacaq.

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European Commission funded Piloting the Civic Rural and Urban Involvement in School Budgeting and Spending for Efficient Preschool and Primary School Services organized by Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) partnering with an international organization and local NGO, “Uluchay” Social-Economic Innovation Center, is intending to enhance the scope and promote sustainability of the involvement of Azerbaijani CSOs and local communities in the processes of public budgeting and spending for, and provision of services at, rural and urban pre and general education schools in the regions, in order to increase the services’ efficiency at these levels throughout the country through improving transparency and accountability in the allocation and use of the public funds. 

Specific objectives of this project is to increase the awareness/build capacities of the CSOs local communities, school administration and education authorities in the regional urban and rural areas, to enhance the transparency of school budget planning and management at the selected school, to enhance the application of participatory budgeting at the selected schools, to strengthen the capacities of CSOs and parents for impactful participation in the school budget allocation and monitoring and to disseminate policy oriented information. 

Throughout this project we will organize and implement different activities, mainly Training for Trainers (ToT) and Training for CSOs, parent council’s representatives, school administrations and their budget/treasury/accounting structures, Online portal on budget activities of the involved schools and expertise of the legal framework and preparation of new recommendations. Moreover, we will constitute Parent Committees/School councils at schools and organize their involvement in the budget designing, allocation and spending, provide expertise of legal framework to determine shortages and possibilities for enhancing participatory budgeting in the sector. S-Watch Hubs will be established in 3 different regional NGOs, policy papers will be prepared and published in paper and online. Finally, National Symposium on Participatory and Transparent Budgeting in the Azerbaijani Education System with Media presence will be implemented.