The State Statistic Committee reports that industry production increased by 1,8 % in non-oil sector and 10,0 % in oil sector. Meanwhile, state bodies believe that oil GDP increased by 0,1 % last year. CESD household survey and expert modeling has come to conclusion that both total GDP and non-oil GDP increased in 2013, however, CESD figures are not the same with official ones.
Some official figures, however, even do not support each other. There are discrepancy even between official reports of state bodies. According to the State Statistic Committee 43,1 million oil produced in 2013. The state committee found out 0,1 % growth in oil output. State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR), however, announced that 43,389 million ton oil produced in 2012 ( So, according to official figures oil output in Azerbaijan was 43,4 million ton in 2012 and 43,1 million ton in 2013. Just the comparison of official reports on oil output shows that oil production decreased 0,1 % in 2013 compared with 2012. The amusing thing is that even official figures do not confirm growth in this sector, but the State Statistics Committee officially announced growth for 2013.
Center for Economic and Social Development
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