Volatility, Diversification and Oil Shock in Resource-Rich Turkic Countries: Avenues for Recovery

2021-12-07 18:27:00    CESD

Well-known “Bilig” journal, which indexed by Social Sciences Citation Index, has published the CESD research article

The paper analyses the current level of economic and export diversification in three resource-rich Caspian basin Countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan and attempts to reveal the underlying causes of high vulnerability of these economies to the recent oil price shock. On the other hand, the economies are evaluated in the light of so called subsidized economies, e.g. an economy mainly driven by public spending and current consumption expenditure. The latter in
this case are mainly fueled by monetary injections as a result of large resource windfalls encountered by an economy.

The paper can be downloaded at: http://bilig.yesevi.edu.tr/yonetim/icerik/makaleler/2080-published.pdf

Download the Paper Here, too

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