A Comparative Study on Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Azerbaijan

2021-12-07 18:28:00    CESD

This research paper explores the role of small- and medium-sized entreprises in the economy of different countries, with a particular focus on Azerbaijan. The purpose of the research is to support and intensify the development of small- and medium-sized businesses in the country by determining the effectiveness of programs held by the government to encourage greater SMEs activity, as well as presenting successful examples from international practices in order to adopt them to Azerbaijan’s conditions. In the current period, the improvement of the entrepreneurship culture and enhancing the scope of small- and medium-sized businesses are important for the future economic growth, employment and income of the country’s population.

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Center for Economic and Social Development

Caspian Plaza, 3rd Block, 14th floor. J.Jabbarli str. 44, Baku, AZ1065, Azerbaijan

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