Call for Applications: CESD Fall Internship Program in Azerbaijan
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is pleased to announce the CESD Fall Internship Program. An Internship opportunity for the months of November 2020-January 2021. The offer is valid for local and international applicants. The internship opportunity will last up to 3 months period with possibility of extension.
Download Full Internship Announcement Here
Məsləhət xidmətləri vasitəsilə aqro-turizm, aqro-biznes sahibkarlığın və ərzaq məhsullarının istehsalının təşviqi və yeni dəyər zəncirlərinin yaradılması və inkişafı
İqtisadi və Sosial İnkişaf Mərkəzi (CESD) Avropa Birliyinin Bakı nümayəndəliyinin maliyyə dəstəyi ilə “Məsləhət xidmətləri vasitəsilə aqro-turizm, aqro-biznes sahibkarlığın və ərzaq məhsullarının istehsalının təşviqi və yeni dəyər zəncirlərinin yaradılması və inkişafı” adlı layihənin icrasına başlamışdır.
Layihənin məqsədi yerli məhsulların gələcəkdə daha da inkişaf etdirilməsi, satılması və aqrar turizm potensialının istifadəsi üçün hərtərəfli kənd təsərrüfatı və sahibkarlıq yönümlü məsləhət xidmətlərinə çıxışın yaxşılaşdırılmasıdır.
Layihə çərçivəsində “CESD üç aqrar mütəxəssis – məsləhətçi vakansiyalarını elan edir.
Ərazi: Yuxarı Şirvan İqtisadi Regionu
Müddət: 24 ay
Aqrar mütəxəssis – məsləhətçilər Yuxarı Şirvan İqtisadi Regionunda yaradılacaq Kənd Təsərrüfatı Məsləhət və İnformasiya Mərkəzlərində yerli fermer və əhali üçün kənd təsərrüfatı sahəsində məsləhət xidmətləri göstərəcəkər. Həmçinin, iş çərçivəsində iqtisadi region ərazisinə seçilmiş kəndlərə mütəmadi səfər edərək sahələrdə fermerlərə dəstək göstərəcəklər.
Vəzifə və öhdəliklər:
• Kənd Təsərrüfatı Məsləhət və İnformasiya Mərkəzinin gündəlik işlərində aktiv iştirak etmək;
• Kənd təsərrüfatı, k/t aid innovasiya, texnologiya və digər vacib məlumatların toplanması və fermerlərə çatdırılması;
• Fermerlərə və eləcə də, fermer təsərrüfatı yaratmaq istəyənlərə məsləhət və dəstək xidmətlərinin göstərilməsi;
• Regionla fermer, bazar iştirakçıları, istehsalçılar və digər dəyər zənciri iştirakçıları ilə bağlı məlumat bazasının yaradılması və onun daima yenilənməsində iştirak etmək;
• Fermerlər üçün təlimlərin və məlumatlandırma sessiyalarının təşkil edilməsinə dəstəyin göstərilməsi;
• Layihə tərəfindən keçiriləcək Təlimçilər üçün Təlimlərdə iştirak etmək və əldə edilən təcrübə və bilikləri sahələrdə fermerlərə ötürmək;
• Aqro-pikniklərin, şəbəkə görüşlərin və layihə çərçivəsində təşkil ediləcək festivalların təşkilində aktiv iştirak etmək;
• Görülmüş işlərlə bağlı aylıq və rüblük hesabatların hazırlanması və Yerli Koordinatora təqdim edilməsi.
Təcrübə və bacarıqlar:
• Kənd təsərrüfatı sahəsində ali təhsil (aqronom, bitkiçilik, taxılçılıq, meyvəçilik, tərəvəzçilik, aqrar texnologiya) və ya qeyd edilən sahələr üzrə müvafiq təcrübə;
• Kənd təsərrüfatı sahəsində məsləhət xidmətlərinin göstərilməsində ən azı 3 illik təcrübə;
• Kənd təsərrüfatı sahəsində yenilikləri izləmək və müxtəlif yeni təcrübələri bilmək;
• Araşdırma və məlumat bazası ilə işləmək bacarığı;
• Azərbaycan dilində yazılı və şifahi ünsiyyət bacarığı yüksək səviyyədə olmalıdır;
• MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) proqramlarından sərbəst istifadə etmək bacarığı;
• Dürüst, dəqiq və işinə məsuliyyətlə yanaşmalı;
• İş ilə bağlı ölkə daxilində səfərə gedə bilməlidir.
Maraqlı olan şəxslər CV-ini 30 sentyabr 2020-ci ildən gec olmayaraq e-mail ünvanına “Aqranom” başlığı ilə göndərə bilərlər.
Bu layihə Avropa Birliyi tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilir
Attention, please
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, all CESD’s vacancy announcements including 2020 fall internship program have been postponed.
Last updated: August 19, 2020
Call for Applications: CESD Expert Vacancy
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) is seeking an energized and experienced professional candidate to serve as an Expert on Economics.
Requirements / Qualifications
The successful candidate should be a holder of a Bachelor Degree or higher qualification in a relevant field such as economics, accounting, public finance, or social sciences and with at least 2 years of direct, relevant technical work experience. In addition, s/he will have expertise and substantial experience in one or more key areas of econometrics. The candidate should have strong expertise and knowledge of institutional change, the challenges of policy reform and capacity development and demonstrated leadership, project management and team working skills.
Fluency in English and Russian is required.
Candidates should submit a resume that details their relevant work and educational experiences and cover letter stating their interest and qualifications to .
All applicants must state the name of the vacancy in the subject line of the email.
No phone calls, please.
The application deadline is October 25th, 2019
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is a leading independent economic think-tank in Azerbaijan. The center was set up to promote research and analysis into domestic economic and social issues for the purpose of positively influencing the public policy decision-making processes.
CESD is the top think-tank in Caucasus and Central Asia and one of the top domestic economic think tanks in the world according to University of Pennsylvania (USA).
We would like to have the best minds on our team and grant them with opportunities for self-development and to contribute to CESD’s activities.
More information is at
Call for Applications: CESD Expert Vacancy
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) is seeking an energized and experienced professional candidate to serve as an Expert on Economics in a fixed term appointment.
The successful candidate should be a holder of a Bachelor Degree or higher qualification in a relevant field such as economics, accounting, public finance, or social sciences and with at least 2 years of direct, relevant technical work experience. In addition, s/he will have expertise and substantial experience in one or more key areas of econometrics. The candidate should have strong expertise and knowledge of institutional change, the challenges of policy reform and capacity development and demonstrated leadership, project management and team working skills.
Fluency in English is required. Russian skills are desirable.
Candidates should submit a resume that details their relevant work and educational experiences and cover letter stating their interest and qualifications to . All applicants must state the name of the vacancy in the subject line of the email.
No phone calls, please.
The application deadline is June 3rd, 2019
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is a leading independent economic think-tank in Azerbaijan. The center was set up to promote research and analysis into domestic economic and social issues for the purpose of positively influencing the public policy decision-making processes.
CESD is the top think-tank in Caucasus and Central Asia and one of the top domestic economic think tanks in the world according to University of Pennsylvania (USA).
We would like to have the best minds on our team and grant them with opportunities for self-development and to contribute to CESD’s activities.
More information is at
Call for Applications: CESD Communication Assistant Vacancy
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) is seeking an energized and experienced professional candidate to serve as a Communication Assistant in a fixed term appointment.
The successful candidate should be a holder of a Bachelor Degree or higher qualification in a relevant field such as communication, foreign languages, journalism, social sciences and etc. with at least 2 years of direct, relevant technical work experience.
Good in English is required. Russian skills would be desirable.
Candidates should submit a resume that details their relevant work and educational experiences and cover letter stating their interests, qualifications to . All applicants must state the name of the vacancy in the subject line of the email.
No phone calls, please.
The application deadline is June 3rd, 2019
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is a leading independent economic think-tank in Azerbaijan. The center was set up to promote a research and analysis into domestic economic and social issues for the purpose of positively influencing the public policy decision-making processes.
CESD is the top think-tank in Caucasus and Central Asia and one of the top domestic economic think tanks in the world according to University of Pennsylvania (USA).
We would like to have the best minds in our team and grant them with opportunities for self-development and to contribute to the CESD activities.
More information is at
Call for Applications: CESD Spring Internship Program in Azerbaijan
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is pleased to announce the CESD Spring Internship Program. An Internship opportunity for the months of February-April 2019. The offer is valid for local and international applicants. The internship opportunity will last up to 3 months period with possibility of extension.
Download full information here
Call for Applications from the individuals for the position of the Communications Experts
PH International is now accepting applications from the individuals for the position of the Communications Expert(s) to deliver communication strategy elaboration and delivery support services for a one-year long program in Azerbaijan.
PH International will lead a multi-country, multi-faceted effort to reduce the risks of radicalization of vulnerable residents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Macedonia. The project will include efforts of comprehensive online and offline campaigns countering and preventing radical messaging.
The Communication Expert is a part-time service contract position, working closely with project team in order to develop comprehensive 6-month online and offline campaign countering and preventing radical messaging. The communication campaign design will include strategies for getting the campaign messages out to the public through a variety of offline and online channels. For example, offline activities may include, but not limited to face to face meetings, sports and educational events, etc, whereas examples of online activities may include: developing online educational platforms; uploading a series of videos of influencers as well as photo stories and infographics through Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and vlogs; share human interest stories through online communities, chat rooms, and blogs; hold a series of online conferences with influencers. The Communication Expert will provide ongoing support to the project team throughout the implementation phase of the online and offline campaign and will have regular check-in meetings to help them refine and adjust the implementation if needed.
Key responsibilities:
• Perform communication audit, gather and analyze key data for the purpose to lay ground for the communication campaign on preventing and countering violence extremism.
• Design of 6-month online and offline communications campaign, including innovative research, ideas and experience drawn from the practice from P/CVE field.
• Provide support in implementation of 6-month online and offline communications campaign.
• Work directly with project team to evaluate the implementation of the communication campaign.
Note: To fulfill these responsibilities successfully, the Communication Expert may travel within the regions of Azerbaijan.
Required qualifications:
• University degree in communications disciplines or a similar field;
• Minimum of 10 years of experience in elaborating, implementing and evaluating large scale communication/behaviour change campaigns, preferably for the international development (donor funded) projects;
• Native Azerbaijani speaker, with strong English language writing and speaking skills;
• Be able to work independently and in a team setting through online and face to face meetings among Project team members as needed;
• Excellent computer skills.
Applicants who have required qualifications should submit their CV, and cover/motivation letter with the names of 3 references to: no later than September 25, 2018. Please indicate the position title in subject line. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for an interview.
Cover/motivation letter should include information about the specific expertise from the similar communication campaigns, as well as illustrative outline (vision) of key strategies and tactics of the proposed 6-month communication campaign on preventing and countering violence extremism.
Training Development Team (TDT) for the Project Countering Violence Extremism Organization Recruitment in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Macedonia (CVEO)
Through the Countering VEO Recruitment (CVEO) program, PH International leads a multicountry, multi-faceted effort to reduce the risks of radicalization of vulnerable residents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Macedonia that might lead them to join foreign terrorist groups or to commit attacks within their own countries. PH International and its key partners (referred as local NGOs), the Georgian Center for Security and Development (GCSD) based in Georgia, the Center
for Economic and Social Development (CESD) based in Azerbaijan and Moonshot CVE based in the UK, will implement this pilot effort through a comprehensive online and offline campaign for both countering the messaging of international terrorist and violent extremist organizations in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Macedonia while acting to prevent the risks of extremist messaging through activities targeting drivers that contribute to these risks, particularly among young people. Building local capacity to sustain this effort is key to the overall success of the project.
Download Full Call Announcement Here
Call for Grant Applications: Civil Society Monitoring of Public Service Delivery and Public Accountability
Grants supporting civil society actions to monitor the effectiveness of government resource allocation and public service delivery are being made available under Partners in Empowerment, an EU-funded project led by PASOS (Policy Association for an Open Society), working closely with partners in five Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine). Partners in Empowerment (PIE) supports projects and organizations working on public accountability and effective policymaking towards sustainable development to foster stronger, interconnected CSOs and CSO leaders in five Eastern Partnership countries and hold governments to account by becoming effective watchdogs engaged in policymaking processes and in leveraging expertise to monitor public service delivery and government decisions.
Download Call for Grantees in English
Download Call for Grantees in Russian
CESD Fall Internship & Traineeship Program: Call for Participation
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) announces Internship/Traineeship opportunity with further job offer. The offer is valid for local and international applicants. The internship opportunity will last up to 3 (or 6) months period.
What You Will Learn/Obtain:
– Become ‘work ready’ for research and think tank jobs.
– Trained on the research and relevant skills at the first days of the program
– Improving your research skills under the supervision of international and local experts
– Improving your English language skills working in academic environment
– Actively participating in research projects
– Representing the Center in local and international events
– Publishing your works in media and CESD web-site.
– Upgrading your CV
What We Require:
– Bachelor’s/Master’s degree from International or Azerbaijan based educational institutions
– Background in Macro- economics, International Economy, Economic Policy or other related discipline.
– Intermediate English language skills (any additional language will be advantageous)
– Organised, with an ability to prioritise time-sensitive assignments.
– Familiarity with the economy in Azerbaijan and in the region
– Flexibility to be part of CESD team during the program.
How to Apply:
Please send Your (1) Resume and (2) Statement of Purpose (and/or Written Work in English) to Mrs. Gulnara Ismayilova ( ). The subject line for the emails should be “Internship with CESD”.
Due to the overwhelming number of applications, only successful candidates will be contacted back. If you have not received an email from us within two weeks after the deadline, please, consider resubmitting your application for the next opportunities by CESD.
CESD is a leading independent economic think tank in Azerbaijan. The Center has been set up to promote research and analysis into domestic economic and social issues for the purpose of positively influencing the public policy decision-making processes.
CESD is the top think tank in Caucasus and Central Asia and one of the top domestic economic think tanks in the world according to University of Pennsylvania (USA).
The prestigious US university, Harvard University, has added the CESD into its official think tank directory. The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has released information about it.
We would like to have the best minds in our team and grant them with opportunities for self-development and contribute to the CESD activities. At the end of the internship program, a successful applicant(s) will have opportunity to be employed by CESD.
More information about CESD, please visit
CESD Spring Internship & Traineeship Program: Call for Participation
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) announces Internship/Traineeship opportunity with further job offer. The offer is valid for local and international applicants. The internship opportunity will last up to 3 (or 6) months period.
What You Will Learn/Obtain:
– Become ‘work ready’ for research and think tank jobs.
– Trained on the research and relevant skills at the first days of the program
– Improving your research skills under the supervision of international and local experts
– Improving your English language skills working in academic environment
– Actively participating in research projects
– Representing the Center in local and international events
– Publishing your works in media and CESD web-site.
– Upgrading your CV
What We Require:
– Bachelor’s/Master’s degree from International or Azerbaijan based educational institutions
– Background in Macro- economics, International Economy, Economic Policy or other related discipline.
– Intermediate English language skills (any additional language will be advantageous)
– Organised, with an ability to prioritise time-sensitive assignments.
– Familiarity with the economy in Azerbaijan and in the region
– Flexibility to be part of CESD team during the program.
How to Apply:
Please send Your (1) Resume and (2) Statement of Purpose (and/or Written Work in English) to Mr. Ahmad Alili ( The subject line for the emails should be “Internship with CESD”.
Due to the overwhelming number of applications, only successful candidates will be contacted back. If you have not received an email from us within two weeks after the deadline, please, consider resubmitting your application for the next opportunities by CESD.
CESD is a leading independent economic think tank in Azerbaijan. The Center has been set up to promote research and analysis into domestic economic and social issues for the purpose of positively influencing the public policy decision-making processes.
CESD is the top think tank in Caucasus and Central Asia and one of the top domestic economic think tanks in the world according to University of Pennsylvania (USA).
The prestigious US university, Harvard University, has added the CESD into its official think tank directory. The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has released information about it.
We would like to have the best minds in our team and grant them with opportunities for self-development and contribute to the CESD activities. At the end of the internship program, a successful applicant(s) will have opportunity to be employed by CESD.
More information about CESD, please visit
Call for Applications: CESD Fall Internship Program in Azerbaijan Deadline Extended
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is pleased to announce that the CESD Fall Internship Program deadline has been extended through September 19, 2016.
We are now accepting applications for the CESD Fall Internship Program in Azerbaijan. An Internship opportunity for the months of October-November-December 2016 and January 2017. The offer is valid for local and international applicants. The internship opportunity will last up to 4 months period with possibility of extension.
– An academic degree from International or Azerbaijan based educational institutions
– Background in Macroeconomics, International Economy, Economic Policy or other related discipline.
– Advanced English language skills (any additional language will be an advantage)
– Organised, with an ability to prioritise time-sensitive assignments
– Familiar with the economy in Azerbaijan and the region
– Flexibility to be part of CESD team during the program
You Will Learn/Obtain:
– Become ‘work ready’ for research and think tank jobs.
– Skills on research and relevant skills at the first days of the program
– Improvement of your research skills under the supervision of international and local experts
– Improvement of your English language skills in a working in academic environment
– Actively participating in research projects
– Representation of the CESD in local and international events
– Publication of your works in Leading Journals, Media and the CESD Press
– Upgrade of your CV
How to Apply:
Please, send your (1) Resume and (2) Statement of purpose (and/or any example of a written work in English language) to Ahmad Alili ( The subject line for the emails should be “Internship at CESD”.
We encourage the previous applicants to re-apply for this opportunity.
Due to the overwhelming number of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted back. If you have not received an email from us within two weeks after the deadline, please, consider resubmitting your application for the next opportunities by CESD.
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is a leading independent economic think-tank in Azerbaijan. The center has set up to promote a research and analysis into domestic economic and social issues for the purpose of positively influencing the public policy decision-making processes.
CESD is the top think-tank in Caucasus and Central Asia and one of the top domestic economic think tanks in the world according to University of Pennsylvania (USA).
We would like to have the best minds in our team and grant them with opportunities for self-development and contribute to the CESD activities.
CESD Spring Internship Program
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is pleased to announce an Internship opportunity for the months of April-May-June-July. The offer is valid for local and international applicants. The internship opportunity will last up to 4 months period with possibility of extension.
– An academic degree from International or Azerbaijan based educational institutions
– Background in Macroeconomics, International Economy, Economic Policy or other related discipline.
– Advanced English language skills (any additional language will be an advantage)
– Organised, with an ability to prioritise time-sensitive assignments
– Familiar with the economy in Azerbaijan and the region
– Flexibility to be part of CESD team during the program
You Will Learn/Obtain:
– Become ‘work ready’ for research and think tank jobs.
– Skills on research and relevant skills at the first days of the program
– Improvement of your research skills under the supervision of international and local experts
– Improvement of your English language skills in a working in academic environment
– Actively participating in research projects
– Representation of the CESD in local and international events
– Publication of your works in Leading Journals, Media and the CESD Press
– Upgrade of your CV
How to Apply:
Please, send your (1) Resume and (2) Statement of purpose (and/or any example of a written work in English language) to Ahmad Alili ( The subject line for the emails should be “Internship at CESD”.
We encourage the previous applicants to re-apply for this opportunity.
Due to the overwhelming number of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted back. If you have not received an email from us within two weeks after the deadline, please, consider resubmitting your application for the next opportunities by CESD.
The Center for Economic & Social Development (CESD) is a leading independent economic think-tank in Azerbaijan. The center has set up to promote a research and analysis into domestic economic and social issues for the purpose of positively influencing the public policy decision-making processes.
CESD is the top think-tank in Caucasus and Central Asia and one of the top domestic economic think tanks in the world according to University of Pennsylvania (USA).
We would like to have the best minds in our team and grant them with opportunities for self-development and contribute to the CESD activities.
CESD Internship & Traineeship Program: Call for Participation
Center for Economic and Social Development announces Internship/Traineeship opportunity with further job offer. The offer is valid for local and international applicants. The internship opportunity will last up to 3 (or 6) months period.
What You Will Learn/Obtain:
– Become ‘work ready’ for research and think tank jobs.
– Trained on the research and relevant skills at the first days of the program
– Improving your research skills under the supervision of international and local experts
– Improving your English language skills working in academic environment
– Actively participating in research projects
– Representing the Center in local and international events
– Publishing your works in media and CESD web-site.
– Upgrading your CV
What We Require:
– Bachelor’s/Master’s degree from International or Azerbaijan based educational institutions
– Background in Macro- economics, International Economy, Economic Policy or other related discipline.
– Intermediate English language skills (any additional language will be advantageous)
– Organised, with an ability to prioritise time-sensitive assignments.
– Familiarity with the economy in Azerbaijan and in the region
– Flexibility to be part of CESD team during the program.
How to Apply:
Please send Your (1) Resume and (2) Statement of Purpose (and/or Written Work in English) to Mr. Ahmad Alili ( The subject line for the emails should be “Internship with CESD”.
Due to the overwhelming number of applications, only successful candidates will be contacted back. If you have not received an email from us within two weeks after the deadline, please, consider resubmitting your application for the next opportunities by CESD.
The Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) is a leading independent economic think tank in Azerbaijan. The Center has been set up to promote research and analysis into domestic economic and social issues for the purpose of positively influencing the public policy decision-making processes.
CESD is the top think tank in Caucasus and Central Asia and one of the top domestic economic think tanks in the world according to University of Pennsylvania (USA).
The prestigious US university, Harvard University, has added the Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) into its official think tank directory. The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has released information about it.
We would like to have the best minds in our team and grant them with opportunities for self-development and contribute to the CESD activities. At the end of the internship program, a successful applicant(s) will have opportunity to be employed by CESD.
More information about CESD, please visit
Vacancy Announcement
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) is seeking an energized and experienced professional candidate to serve as a Senior Expert on Economics in a fixed term appointment.
The successful candidate will be a holder of a Master Degree or higher qualification in a relevant field such as economics, accounting, public finance, social sciences with at least 2 years of direct relevant technical work experience. In addition, s/he will have expertise and substantial experience in one or more key areas of econometrics. The candidate should have strong expertise and knowledge of institutional change, the challenges of policy reform and capacity development and demonstrated leadership, project management and team working skills.
Fluency in English is required. Russian skills would be desirable.
Candidates should submit a resume that details their relevant work and educational experiences and cover letter stating their interests, qualifications to . All applicants must state the name of the vacancy in the subject line of the email.
No phone calls, please.
The application deadline is August 15, 2014
CESD ( is the top think tank in Caucasus and Central Asia according to University of Pennsylvania ranking.
CESD is a smoke-free environment
Call for Applicationss: Think Tank Young Professional Vacancy at CESD
The Think Tank Fund announces the Think Tank Young Professional Development Program for MA and PhD graduates who graduated with a PhD, LLM or MA degree in the social sciences and humanities from high-quality universities in the OECD countries in the past three years. With this initiative, Think Tank Fund aims at supporting up to fifteen ‘returnees’ per year to assume posts in think tanks interested in attracting young staff. With these activities, we hope to help young and talented people enter the region’s think tanks, provide additional capacity building with talented returnees getting engaged in policy-relevant research, analysis and advocacy under the guidance of experienced staff, and assist think tanks in recruiting new talent into their ranks.
Think Tank Young Professional Development Program intends to attract recent graduates of
MA and PhD programs in the social sciences and humanities to selected think tanks in Central and
Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, giving them an opportunity to gain first-hand policy research and advocacy experience at a renowned think tank in the region.
The program is designed to benefit both young returning professionals and their host
organizations. It enables participating think tanks to recruit young researchers originally from the
region who recently graduated from universities in the OECD countries, including the Central
European University in Hungary. Depending on a research topic, individual programs at hosting
organizations will last up to 6 months and start from November 2014.
How to Apply?
Step 1: Interested graduates should contact the think tanks directly and negotiate the topic area,
policy product(s) and work plan for the engagement in this program.
Step 2: The potential host organizations will interview candidates, assess how their interests and
skills correspond to the profile and needs of a potential host organization, and decide whether they
are interested in working with the candidate. This decision should be clearly communicated to the
candidate well before the deadline for submitting individual applications to Think Tank Fund.
Step 3: Having been selected by the host organization, the candidate will then apply to the Think
Tank Fund. To be considered for the Think Tank Young Professional Development Program, applying graduates should submit the following documents in English (as .doc or .pdf attachments to email) by August 4, 2014 to
The new call is open now, the deadline for applications is August 4, and you can find the full text of the call and all related materials at
http://www.Download Call for Applications: think-tank-young-professional-development-program-call-20140610
Download think-tank-young-professional-development-program-host-organizations-20140610
Download think-tank-young-professional-development-program-host-organizations-20140610
Vacancy Announcement
CESD is pleased to recruit experts and economists interested in conducting research on economics as part of the new Freelancer Group.
Applicants must be responsible and prompt for tasks during research. Individual must be out going, well with numbers, computer literate.
Qualifications for Freelancer candidates:
Candidates must be graduates from Economic and Social sciences or student in Master or PhD program related fields. The candidates who have high skills on econometrics and modeling are most preferred.
Expected benefits for candidates:
They will have a chance to develop their skills specially on research and some specific areas such as economic and social sphere
A great opportunity to build-up a wide-ranging CV. Your works will be published as CESD Working Papers on CESD website
Note: Good in English and Azerbaijan languages are required. Russian skills would be desirable.
Application Deadline:
Applications are accepted at any time of the year. Not more than three people will be recruited at any one time throughout the trial period. However, the first set will be recruited immediately.
Candidates should submit a resume that details their relevant work and educational experiences and cover letter stating their interests, qualifications to Mr. Farhad Bayramov,
All applicants must state the name in the subject line of the email if they are applying for freelancer or volunteering positions.
No phone calls, please.
CESD ( is the top think tank in the Caucasus region and Central Asia according to University of Pennsylvania ranking and the Center is added Harvard University’s think tank director
CESD is a smoke-free environment
CESD, is looking to fill 3 (three) part-time positions. The applicants must be responsible, prompt and have the availability to work at least half of working day hours. Individual must be outgoing, good with numbers, computer literate.
Qualifications: Must be a student in 3rd or 4th class in the bachelor program or master student. The candidate should have strong expertise and knowledge of institutional change, the challenges of policy reform and capacity development and demonstrated leadership, project management and team working skills.
Interested candidates can apply to following positions;
– Junior Researcher on Public Economics;
– Junior Research on Social Policy
– Project Coordinator Assistant
Good in English and Azeri are required. Russian skills would be desirable.
Candidates should submit a resume that details their relevant work and educational experiences and cover letter stating their interests, qualifications to Xalid Mikayilov, at
All applicants must state the name of the vacancy in the subject line of the email.
No phone calls, please.
The application deadline is September, 14, 2012
CESD ( is the top think tank in the Caucasus according to University of Pennsylvania ranking.
CESD is a smoke-free environment
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) is seeking an energized and experienced professional candidate to serve as a Junior Public Financial Management Specialist on a fixed term appointment.
The successful candidate will be a holder of a Masters Degree or higher qualification in a relevant field such as economics, accounting or public finance, with at least 3 years of direct relevant technical work experience. In addition, s/he will have expertise and substantial experience in one or more key areas of public financial management, in particular budget management. The candidate should have strong expertise and knowledge of institutional change, the challenges of policy reform and capacity development and demonstrated leadership, project management and team working skills.
Fluency in English and Azeri are required. Russian skills would be desirable.
Candidates should submit a resume that details their relevant work and educational experiences and cover letter stating their interests, qualifications to Xalid Mikayilov, at . All applicants must state the name of the vacancy in the subject line of the email.
No phone calls, please.
The application deadline is June 20, 2012
CESD ( is the top think tank in Caucasus according to University of Pennsylvania ranking.
CESD is a smoke-free environment
Центр экономического и социального развития
Caspian Plaza, 3-й блок, 14 эт. J.Jabbarli str. 44, Баку, AZ1065, Азербайджан
(99412) 5943665
пон. – Пят. 9:00A.M. – 6:00P.M.