Пилотирование гражданского участия сельских и городских жителей в составлении бюджета и расходов школ на эффективные услуги дошкольного и начального образования
МенюЭто контент по умолчанию для демонстрации страницы с левым столбцом боковой панели. Как только вы опубликуете свой первый виджет в этой позиции, этот образец содержимого будет заменен вашим виджетом.
Baku based Trainings
Training of Trainers (TOT)
Date: 14-18 April
Place: Baku
Trainer: Kiri Noemi Ambrus (international trainer)
Title of the Training: “CSO and community involvement in the school budget allocation and spending” training
Date: 14-15 May
Place: Baku
Trainer: Maria Slaveva Prohaska (international trainer)
Title of the Training: “Partnership and collaboration among CSOs, partners, school administrations and education authorities”
Date: 21-22 September, 2013 Trainer: Kiry Noemi Ambrus Place: Baku Title of the Training: “Communication and Outreach for CSOs dealing Public Finance Issues”Trainer: Blenika Dzepelova
Place: Baku
Date: 14-15 November, 2013
Title of the Training: “Challenges, opportunities, pros and cons in the application of the new per capita financing mechanism at the Azerbaijani schools”
Trainer: Jan Herzcynski
Place: Baku
Date: 21-22 April, 2014
Title of the Training: “Advocacy and Campaigning in Service Delivery Accountability”
Trainer: Suha Fanelan
Place: Baku
Date: 13-14 June, 2014
Title of the Training: “School expenditure tracking and independent budget analysis.”
Trainer: Petra Reszketo
Place: Baku
Date: 27-28 August, 2014
Roll out trainings in regions
“CSO and community involvement in the school budget allocation and spending” training
I. 04 June, in Sheki
II. 06 June, in Yevlax
Trainer: Arzu Huseynova (international trainer)
III. 07 June, in Shamaxi
IV. 08 June, in Terter
Trainer: Narmin Ibrahimova