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Пилотирование гражданского участия сельских и городских жителей в составлении бюджета и расходов школ на эффективные услуги дошкольного и начального образования


Левый столбец страницы

Это контент по умолчанию для демонстрации страницы с левым столбцом боковой панели. Как только вы опубликуете свой первый виджет в этой позиции, этот образец содержимого будет заменен вашим виджетом.

Это контент по умолчанию для демонстрации страницы с левым столбцом боковой панели. Как только вы опубликуете свой первый виджет в этой позиции, этот образец содержимого будет заменен вашим виджетом.


School expenditure tracking and independent budget analysis training

CESD is going to organize the next training  “School expenditure tracking and independent budget analysis” as the part of “Piloting the Civic Rural and Urban Involvement in School Budgeting and Spending Project” on 27-28 August, 2014

Training objective

At the end of the course participants will be able to: learn the models of public expenditure tracking by communities at schools (specific to the Azerbaijani context); study different community based models; learn independent budget analysis; study practical aspects of applying public expenditure tracking models.

Course methods:


The method of working on the course is a structured, but facilitative process based on a mix of presentations (information giving) and lectures for the theoretical framework and participatory exploration of issues using the experiences of the participants through group exercises, case studies, and discussion groups. Researches done in other public finance projects financed by EC will also presented in this workshop.


Short Bio of the training instructor

Petra Edina Reszkető is a Hungarian economist with an MPhil in Political Economy. Her main fields of interest are development of business environment (esp. supporting SMEs), social integration, assessing government transparency and efficiency. As founding partner of and senior researcher at Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis, a Budapest-based think-thank, she has led and participated in several evaluation and impact assessment projects covering related government and civil programmes in Hungary and in the Central Eastern European region. Prior to the foundation of the Institute, she worked for the Ministry of Economy in Hungary, officially representing the country in various expert committees of the European Union (see, High-level Expert Committee of the Comptetitiveness Council, Economic Policy Committee and its working groups). She is an independent researcher and activist in government transparency initiatives, member of the research network of the Open Government Partnership and the European Commission Anti-Corruption network.


She has a wide range of experiences with designing and running evaluation and impact assessment projects both as government official and as independent expert. She was also the main editor and co-author of the government handbook series in Hungary focusing on methods of evaluation and strategic design.