Пилотирование гражданского участия сельских и городских жителей в составлении бюджета и расходов школ на эффективные услуги дошкольного и начального образования
МенюЭто контент по умолчанию для демонстрации страницы с левым столбцом боковой панели. Как только вы опубликуете свой первый виджет в этой позиции, этот образец содержимого будет заменен вашим виджетом.
International Partner
Local Governance Innovation & Development, Ltd (LGID)
LGID is a development consulting firm with a special focus on municipal and local government development throughout Central and Southern Eastern Europe, the New Independent States and other regions worldwide. Since its establishment in 2002, LGID has been successfully providing training and technical assistance services to central, regional and local governments. We operate in the areas of public administration and public sector reform, decentralisation and efficient management of public services. We have established extensive network of international and local partners worldwide by working with international consortia on projects funded by European Commission, US Agency for International Development, UK Department for InternationalDevelopment, and UNDP. As a result, LGID has gained profound experience in global development issues with a particular focus on municipal/local government development and public administration reform.
Associate Partners
The World of Woman Social Union
Contact: Kifayet Niftaliyeva
Email: womanworld@inbox.ru
Women and Modern World Center
Contact: Sudaba Shiraliyeva
Email: womenmw@gmail.com
The Council of State Support of NGOs under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Contact: Alimammad Nuriyev
Email: enuriyev@cssn.gov.az
Economic Research Center
Contact: Gubad Ibadoglu
Email: g_ibadoglu@yahoo.com
Municipality Union of Azerbaijan
Contact: Racab Imanov
Email: Racab.imanov@yahoo.com
Ganja Agribusiness Association (GABA)
Contact: Vugar Babayev
Email: V.Babayev@gaba.az
Education on Human Rights Public Association
Contact: Irada Javadova
Email: edu.humanrights@gmail.com
Oil Workers’ Rights Protection Organization Public Union
Democracy Learning Public Union
Contact: Mirali Huseynov
Emai: ldemocracy@yahoo.com
Democratic Development Center
Contact: Emil Memmedov
Email: emilmemmedov10@yahoo.com
Ganja Child Fund
Contact: Rovshan Novruzov
Email: eurocontact@list.ru